Themis, Ivoire Hydro Energy and the Africa Finance Corporation are in the construction stage of a 44 MW hydro power plant in Cote d’Ivoire. The project is located on the Bandama River near Singrobo and Ahouati villages, north west of Abidjan.
A 35-year Concession Agreement has been signed with the State of Cote d’Ivoire. Total project cost is USD 197 million.
Financial Close has been reached in December 2018 with a 3-year bridge loan provided by Africa Finance Corporation. Senior debt financial close is expected in June 2020.
A construction contract was signed with the world-class French construction company Eiffage. Commercial operation date is expected to be reached in 2022.
An Environmental and Social Impact Assessment study has been completed for this project. Themis has engaged senior resettlement experts to develop and oversee implementation of the Resettlement Action Plan. Themis also engaged a leading biodiversity organization which includes members of the International Union for Conservation of Nature commission who carried out the biodiversity assessment and designed the biodiversity action plan. All the studies have been completed to ensure that the project meets the requirements of the African Development Bank Operational Safeguards and IFC Performance Standards.
of additional capacity
of renewable
energy annually -
of new people
with electricity